Baby Hip Hugger
by Baby Nari

Baby Hip hugger is unlike other baby carriers, you can carry and put down your baby in seconds. No more massy straps and buckles to deal with. Lift&Carry. It's that easy! also can choose baby sitting options, carry your baby facing forward or from the side. your baby can see and explore their surroundings.
and The non-skid heart shaped material and raised back with tilted seat helps keep your baby in place and close to your bady at all times.
If you have a baby who likes to be picked up, put down, picked up, put down,Baby Nari /Baby Hip hugger is The PERFECT SOLUTION!!It allows our babies to walk, get picked up and put down to walk again seemlessly!
WHen carring your child, a lot od stress is put on your lower back and arms leading to back problems. With Baby Hip hugger all of your baby's weight is evenly distributed to relieve stress on your lower v=back and maintain a well balanced posture.
This product is recommended for anyone who has a waist size of up to 40 inches.
and 6month baby(starting when they can sit on their own) to 36month(40 pound)(maximum).
THe tighter you wear your baby hip hugger, the more comfortable it is for you and your baby.
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