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AbdoMend Maui Healing Kits

Necessity is the mother of invention: Pregnancy, Birth and Surgery deserve and need support: Our answer is AbdoMend™ Support Belt and Strap, C-Section Recovery Kit, Hem It In Belt, Massage Therapy DVD, and skin brush by Maui Healing Kits, LLC.
Christina Hemming had it all planned out, the perfect home birth with a midwife. Unfortunately her baby's head was large and would not clear the birth canal after 5 hours of pushing. The hospital attempted to vacuum him out. This was traumatizing for her and the baby. The only option was an emergency c-section. She was unprepared for the medical process and protocol. It was then that the idea for an educated recovery process began. The first day post surgery the nurse came in, offered her drugs for pain and told her to get up. When she turned to her side, she felt a tear, and knew it had to better.
Christina knows that women need to be more prepared with support tools to encourage mobility, comfort and reduce pain/scarring for postpartum recovery.
AbdoMend's therapy program products support the abdomen during recovery from pregnancy, vaginal or cesarean birth and support & protect abdomen, muscles, organs to regain pre-pregnancy strength and muscle memory.
Products are sold internationally with great success with recommendations from doctors, midwives, doulas, childbirth educators, and mothers.
With 23 years massage experience, 8 of them at Maui Four Seasons Resorts, Christina’s specific goal is education about a healthy body and mind by encouraging women to use their voice, choices and products for a better recovery.
Maui Healing Kits