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Spiffies and I Can Brush: The Best Way to Prevent Early Childhood Tooth Decay
When pediatrician Ray Wagner, MD, started noticing an increase in the frequency of tooth decay in baby teeth, he decided he had to do something about it. "Dental caries" is the bacterial infection that causes a white film (plaque) to form on the surfaces of the teeth as soon as teeth begin to erupt. If left alone, the dental plaque will cause white spot erosions of the enamel. These chalky soft white spots, also known as decalcifications, then move deeper and deeper into the tooth, and a full blown cavity can occur as early as 12-18 months of age. . . this is why every baby needs to see a dentist by their first birthday to determine if the infection is present or not.
He says the real tragedy of childhood tooth decay—now considered a childhood epidemic—is that when the dental caries infection is allowed to cause cavities in baby teeth, the infection becomes so well established in the mouth that it often transfers to permanent teeth.
The result of Dr. Wagner’s realization was his own product called Spiffies, xylitol-saturated wipes that can be used on the end of a mom’s finger to clean her baby’s mouth. The all natural active ingredient, xylitol, also known as birch tree sugar, is well known to help control the dental caries infection when applied to the teeth daily.
But the best part is that babies actually like Spiffies, as opposed to scratchy toothbrushes. A sister product, I Can Brush is ideal for toddlers, who may have been introduced to the toothbrush, but like the fun of dipping the brush into a cup of the xylitol liquid and brushing for themselves, and it is safe to swallow.
Dr. Wagner reports that Spiffies are also ideal for babies who are teething. Just chill the wipes in the refrigerator and massage on sore gums. Each Spiffies comes in its own packet, so they’re easy to refrigerate.
Cavities in baby teeth? Don’t wait! If your baby is between 4 and 6 months old, it’s time to start using Spiffies. And don’t forget I Can Brush when he or she is old enough to hold a toothbrush.
The cute Smile Packs are perfect as shower gifts.